Monday, July 21, 2008


1. Pre-order for BW name card:

Dearest BW members, pre-oreder for name card is ready for booking now. You may bank in the payment to Maybank NG JUN FA : 114245105402
Or come to our office to make the payment (Pandan Perdana Office). Two boxes = RM70. Three boxes = RM90 . The deadline for ordering is the end of the month of July. More infomation please contact Terence 03-92743848. Thank you.

p.s Seiapa yang nak beli name card sudah sedia untuk ditempah. Tarikh tutup 31 Julai 2008. Hubungi Terence di talian 03-92743848 untuk malumat lanjut.
Kenapa perlu name card?
1. Supaya anda lebih berkredibiliti
2. Supaya anda lebih professional
3. Supaya anda dapat memperkenalkan diri dan perniagaan dengan lebih pantas