News Update on 15th Dec 2008Thanks to the BW Leaders who have take initiative to solve the problems and who have ever take the responsible to assist BW Financial Crisis. In coming 2009, it will be a new system setup for continue to find the solutions for the best of BW Members. New recommeded url: & etc
P/S: Please noted that ODB OneDreamBiz is have no related with BarterWallet and which ODB is setup by a group of voluntary members to run a new business for a better tomorrow for their own group only. My consultancy services at ODB will be end by 15th Dec 2008 & ODB have do their best even can't see any outcome at a shorttime but time will be the best remedy.
Any enquiry please email to or sms to 013-380 1313. Thanks.
Kak Jayn : Kalau anda terkejut, saya juga hanya tau dari sini. Jadi hubungi yang tanda merah itu. I am speechless!!!